I couldn't speak for aircraft design. But I've been on Chinese airlines inside of China. Very reminiscent of US airplanes and service of the 1960's and '70's, like glamorous or prestigious. All the stewardesses young and attractive, very cute outfits with just above the knee skirts. Everything clean and neat, with exceptional and pleasant service. Not like the constant attitude and stress you have flying here.
The major airports as modern and clean as any of the best I've been to.
While China may have rep on certain manufacturing quality, my take is they were quite serious on infrastructure, and transportation in particular. An example being subway systems I saw in Shanghai, Beijing, and the ShenZhen/Hongkong area. So well thought out, clean, and super safe. Glass barriers in front of all the the stations where you get on and off, you could not jump onto the tracks if you wanted to.
Now take a look at the NY subway system. . . All the highway robbery and taxes there, and they can't figure out how to keep people safe ? Christ there's lunatics still shoving people on the tracks there. How has that not been fixed ?