I'm curious as well.
One data point - some of the solar providers use Ethernet over power lines to communicate. While only over 240v - the one we have (Enphase) seems to drop signals at random times, judging from various error messages. Eventually, it seems to get a clean signal and report. I'd think that in an electrically noisy factory environment it wouldn't get better.
I also have a couple old X10 devices around the house. Yeah, I know, I'm a living museum of obsolete technology . . . One of those has been randomly turning itself on and off since adding solar battery controls.
Fault-tolerant Ethernet over higher voltage lines should surely be a solvable problem. But it doesn't seem that at least one somewhat sophisticated company (our solar controls supplier) hasn't quite got it right? Would be interesting to know if this is now a reliable, fairly fast, fault-tolerant, and libaility-lawyer-proof approach in other hands.