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The Ethics of Automation


Mar 23, 2006
Vershire, Vermont
We're making progress :D

So.... any being that can learn anything is intelligent life? "Understand" seems vague, but for the sake of argument, let's say that any species that can learn the difference between the colors black and white and retain that knowledge is intelligent.

That OK?

So if that species is suffering decline or extinction (as many have and continue to), their well being is either in decline or nonexistent. So it seems to me by that definition, progress is not possible.


May 11, 2017
Minneapolis, MN, USA
We're making progress :D

So.... any being that can learn anything is intelligent life? "Understand" seems vague, but for the sake of argument, let's say that any species that can learn the difference between the colors black and white and retain that knowledge is intelligent.

That OK?

So if that species is suffering decline or extinction (as many have and continue to), their well being is either in decline or nonexistent. So it seems to me by that definition, progress is not possible.

Consciousness is not a binary switch, it's a continuum. The goal is to get higher on the continuum, and to help others get higher as well. You are correct that it's not possible to make progress on all fronts simultaneously, at least with a human level of understanding.

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Mar 23, 2006
Vershire, Vermont
Consciousness is not a binary switch, it's a continuum. The goal is to get higher on the continuum, and to help others get higher as well. You are correct that it's not possible to make progress on all fronts simultaneously, at least with a human level of understanding.

Liked your link - though I did skim the last half for its salient points, most of which I concur with, especially: we are at this moment in time in this situation, never to be lived again. Do our best to make the most of it.

Seems to me that "a human level of understanding" is another term for "point of view". Also realize that this level of definition and proof leads back to the adolescent demand: Prove to me that I exist. Yeah, that was me ;)

I've enjoyed the conversation.


Jun 28, 2012
Mt Clemens, Michigan 48035
I'm thinking that, if you kissed a really pretty robot girl you would not know if she liked it or was just programmed to seem that she did.

Robots were thought to be an asset to humans but a think tank comprised of robots in Switzerland has concluded that with the elimination of humans fewer robots would be needed.
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