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Scammer alert


Jun 28, 2012
Mt Clemens, Michigan 48035
My wife's charge card has again been hacked. The last time the hacker bought travel tickets that had his name listed, surprising that he was not arrested.
It seems it is the same hacker because he charges a lot of door dash things.
Janie noticed the error items and was again issued a new charge card.
The charge card company suggested that Janie should change her Email password, she did have a too-simple password on her google Email.

A decent password might be two short words written backward with skipping every other letter so - > "Baddog #1" might become -> "gdoadB#1"

No that is not Janie's new password, It is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Ops.
She did not use my backward words...
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Diamond; Mod Squad
Mar 27, 2005
Northwest Indiana, USA
I usually let the browser suggest a random password. Then I copy/paste it to an encrypted file rather than store it in browser memory. That works pretty well. I've never had one cracked yet. Knock on wood.
