well it is my parents because i have a 70 in one class and i am not alowed to use my lathe until i get a 95 or higher in every class which is impossible
Nowhere NEAR "impossible". Not in low-bar Pennsyltucky it ain't.
Start with getting TF OFF internet forums to go get your GRADES UP might help?
Vain hope that folks as have spent the better part of long lives at work that ain't always had any sort of resemblance to a free ride nor "playtime" will get into a disagreement with parents as figure you CAN do better than a "70" and parachute-in out of a fleet of black helicopters to "rescue" you ain't it?
What d'you expect? ANY sort of work needs to get DONE.
"Grades" in formal schooling are the easy part.
You get to know a whole semester in advance
exactly what is required to succeed.
Adults seldom have that luxury. We have to adapt to constantly changing circumstances altered by OTHERS each
hour as we go.
So we do. BFD.
Drop everything but Industrial Arts class?
I dam' near did that. Only had a few classes not already DONE by Seniour year.
In a PA school.
So I was learning to
teach shop class. Or most anything as NEEDED teaching, as it turned out. Made me more money over the years than I'd have ever thought possible, too, that ability.