I want to thank everyone who has been responding to this thread for your support, compliments, and words of encouragement. I think that being an all-volunteer group, some of us with over 30 years invested in our railroad, there is a different and stronger energy than many people imagined. We are a tight knit group, and we have come up, literally, from times of scavenging junk to rebuild and using picks and shovels to rebuild the track. The result is everything about our railroad is hard-won, has a story of people and struggles and improvising, and then some. The result is the county exec got himself a fight he did not reckon on. People defending their life's work and passion, and people who found a home on our railroad are not going down without a hell of a fight.
What seems to have happened to get the county exec to embrace trails is politics and money. The trails advocates are well funded with money from liberal groups and funds, with such names as Rockefeller and Kennedy in the mix. There were campaign promises, campaign contributions, and all sorts of back room deals and manipulations. One of the masterminds of this is a lady whom I will refer to here as "Dr. X." Dr. X has made it her avowed purpose in life to get rid of our railroad to create a "world class network of hiking and biking trails" in our region. Dr. X graduated cum laude from Yale, specialized in pediatrics, did all kinds of impressive residencies, and practiced in some prestigious hospitals. She abandoned the practice of medicine and went back to college, getting a "Masters in Legal Studies"- not working through to get the "J.D>" (doctoris jurisprudence, or degree as an attorney). She then dropped out of conventional employment and began living a hand-to-mouth existence while embracing all kinds of causes and fixated on this rail trail. She is brilliant, gifted, and persuasive and got a lot of powerful groups lined up to get rid of our railroad. Dr. X, in the company of a few others like her, took on General Electric in the matter of PCB's in the sediment at the bottom of the Hudson River. She and her cohorts pushed the matter along until G.E. agreed to settle and dredge the Hudson River. She and her cohorts then took on a planned multi-million dollar resort hotel in our region (which is almost an economic desert with little regular employment and an a minimal tax base as so much of the lands are part of the NYC Watersheds). Dr. X succeeded in stalling the resort for well over ten years, and as a result of her challenges and briefs she filed, the resort developers produced the (literally) heaviest environmental impact statement in the history of NY State. The resort will happen, scaled down, but it will happen. That set Dr. X on the trail of killing our railroad. She became convinced we were not living up to our lease agreement for the track and right of way (county owned). Meanwhile, our county went to a charter form of government, and we got our first county exec. He took as much power as he could, and he and Dr. X are quite tight. She apparently lined up support for the exec. A few of the cronies from the days of fighting G.E. needed jobs. At least one is a "Planner" on the county payroll- political payback to a US Senator. Political whores and greasy gerbils.
We were described by the County Exec, in the press, as "A bunch of slack jawed, fedora wearing yokels". Dr. X. apparently told the exec that we were a group of weekend warriors, dreamers, and not capable of rebuilding and running a railroad beyond a few miles of track and limited train operations. The county exec had some kind of strangle hold on the legislature and the press and media as not even letter to the editor favorable to our railroad were printed. One of our members got to the bottom of that, and it was true: the county exec was controlling the local press and media.
The County Exec knew we were the lease holder on the railroad property, yet he deigned to contact us about his ideas. We used to get blindsided when he and his ideas would show up on the front page of the morning papers. He claimed he "did not know" who the Catskill Mountain Railroad was or who we were. He got Senator Chuck Schumer (another negative quantity best consigned to the PCB laden sludge disposal pits) to help him in his fight to get rid of us. He had the governor on his side for awhile as well. We kept pushing back.
Meanwhile, the trails people are talkers and writers. They are not "doers" and have no conception of the work we put into our railroad. They are quick to condemn us, quick to find ways to try to get rid of us, wanting to march into a right of way that is there only by virtue of our efforts to save it and maintain it over the past 30 + years.
We got blindsided by the County Exec when we were served with a notice that we had failed to abide by the terms of our lease with the county. I had appeared in an unrelated court case as an expert witness on a structural matter, and the attorney was a sharp lady from an Albany, NY law firm that handled environmental and commercial litigation. I called this attorney at her home and told her our railroad was in deep s--t and about to be annihilated by the county exec, Dr X and the trails zealots. She put me in touch with the head of her firm, and they are heavy duty attorneys. I knew if I tried to get an attorney from within our home county to go up against the county exec and the mayor of Kingston, NY (who was serving us with BS code violations and notices to cease and desist- from the wording we knew DR X had drafted most of it), we'd get nowhere. No local attorneys have the balls to go against the local machine. I got the Albany firm, and they cut our railroad a break. They got an injunction to block the county exec.
It was the beginning of a prolonged legal fight. The county exec, aided and abetted by his pet gerbil (the political whore/planner), and Dr. X and the county attorney all kept dreaming up ways to kill us off. They even called the US Department of Labor on us, citing the fact we are a for-profit corporation but run with all volunteers. Every volunteer is a stockholder, and we pay our Workman's Comp for our volunteers. The US Dept of Labor dismissed the complaint against. They called out the US Federal RR Administration. That went nowhere, we were commended by the US FRA. They've called out every agency they can think of, filing complaints against us.
We were going into a deep, black vortex with people in our group putting up their personal money and securing loans to keep the legal fight going. That is when we got the idea of the bold move, kind of like when a person holds no good cards, is technically busted, but stays in the game by bluff. We did it. We had nothing to lose and everything to gain. We got set up for online ticket sales and advertising, and booked "name" rail events. We were doing it with money we did not have, based on equipment we did not have, on track our guys were still rebuilding. We bought two passenger coaches and moved them to our yard. Our guys got busy on the coaches.
To give an idea, about four weeks before we were set to run Thomas the Tank Engine, we knew we needed another flatcar set up for passengers. The nearest available flatcar was an ex US Army flatcar, with the stripped carframe sitting upside down in the woods for the past 27 years, and the trucks for it off in the weeds. A buddy ran the old locomotive crane, and we swapped scrap steel to a junk hauler who had a low boy. I did the rigging. We sent the trucks down to Kingston, NY one evening on the low boy. The next week, we went after the car frame. I estimated its weight at about 25 tons. We got it with the locomotive crane, flipped it rightside up, and landed it on the lowboy on blocking. It hung off the tail of the lowboy by a good 10 feet or so. We hung flashers and flags on it. The trucker set off down the road during the supper hour when we figured we'd be least likely to meet any law enforcement. No permits, no official escort vehicle, just me in my pickup with an amber beacon and flashers on. Some SOB in traffic as I was flagging to get the lowboy on the road opened up a mouth to me, and took out his cell phone. I told him what he could go and do with both his ideas and his cell phone and told him to stay in his car if he knew what was healthy. We roared down to Kingston at easily 10 over the speed limit. We got the flat car frame into the railroad yard. Now the problem was the old crane there could only pick 15 tons. We lifted one end of that railroad car frame on the lowboy and built a crib pile at the estimated balance point. We then took two sheets of scrap plywood, greased them and drove a nail thru the center of the plywood and into the crib pile. This made a "turntable". We turned the car frame 90 degrees to the low boy. We then built another crib pile under the far end of the frame and raised the near end with the crane. The lowboy drove out from under.
We scaled off, painted, repiped and redecked that flatcar. I went to a local sawmill and got them to saw out a bunch of white oak planks. We took planks cut from green logs and decked the car with them, bolting the planks fast to the car frame. We built fenced sides, benches and a canopy. We scraped in the brasses and polished the axle journals. We had our flatcar to accomodate the swelling numbers of people. We were working on our train- the soundman and his crew slept in one passenger coach- and we finished the flatcar after dark on a Thursday night. Thomas the Tank Engine rolled the next morning. We resolved the bridge fight that first morning we ran Thomas.
When we ran Thomas, that is when public opinion and awareness shifted markedly to our side. So did the press and media. Lately, with running the Polar Express, the press had been strangely avoiding us. We knew something was up at the County Seat. One of our members who excels at politicking and diplomacy handled it. The result is the County Exec came out in support of a segmented railroad, even over the portion he wanted to rip up. It's a start. We have friends in the county legislature, and the entire local business community- including businesses which were buddies of the county exec- are hollering at him to save the Catskill Mountain Railroad. There are other issues with the railroad running on lands that are privately owned with "railroad use only easements" in place. Rip up the rails and the easements become null and void. The exec and Doctor X and that whole gang conveniently overlooked that fact, thinking their combined might would crush any landowner who took back the easement. A recent US Supreme Court Case found in favor of landowners in cases where railroad easements are given up, and public entities attempt to build rail trails.
I prefer working on the locomotives and rolling stock, or doing engineering work on the bridges and right of way to all this political fighting. All of us do. When the s--t hit the fan, and it seemed like we were continually being hit with complaints from all sides and all kinds of agencies, our group hunkered down and dug in for a long fight. I stood up in a meeting, having hear another formal letter from the exec's office against us, and hollered: "That SOB has another guess coming. He would do well to remember Admiral Yamamoto, Otto von Bismarck, and Rip van Winkel (we are in the Catskills, home of Rip). That --------- has awakened a sleeping giant, and what he fails to realize is we are a railroad built on our own blood and iron. We fight to the last possible manuever, and if that ------ plays dirty, we fight back in kind. Someone do a "follow the money" on the county exec. Let's see what skeletons we unearth on Dr. X. Let's start a s--tstorm so bad they wish they never started up with us." Our president is a former civil engineer and Harvard MBA. A brilliant and ballsy tactician. He took it from there and we have people in our ranks who can and do "get around". We built up a new cadre of people who are adept at political infighting and diplomacy as well as really good at advertising, public relations, and they have saved the day.
The "follow the money" led to findings that the County Exec had promised construction contracts to firms, supplying materials and building the trail, in exchange for heavy campaign contributions. He also had some heavy contributions from the pro trails advocacy groups down in NYC. There is also the matter of the County Exec witholding 3 million dollars in FEMA grants to rebuild portions of the railroad destroyed during Hurricane Irene (and then using the condition of those portions of the line to make the case against us for failure to maintain the tracks !). It's all coming home to roost.
That's the story of the fight to save our railroad. The COunty Exec has started to "come around". He has been an absolute tyrant and bully in how he handled other matters in our county, and our railroad is literally the ONLY entity that stood up to him and went the distance and survived. He is talking about a new lease to a new railroad group when our lease is up. Fine by me. If some other group can preserve and operate the railroad, that is all most of us care about. The reality is no sane railroad short line operator would want to take over our tracks. It's been a long fight, for sure. It is not over, but there is some light and positive signs.
As for "Dr. X", she and I were at a local town board meeting. A resolution by our town in support of the railroad was on the table. The COunty Exec was doing his level best, thru the Democratic Party, to kill the resolution. Dr. X was at the meeting to speak in the "public be heard" portion, as was I and a bunch of pro railroad people in the community. Dr. X, before the meeting began, got right in my face and started carrying on, accusing me of spreading lies, misrepresentation, and said our railroad was delusional, and she (Dr. X) was "trying to save the CMRR". She was quite red in the face and demanded to know why I would ever say the things I'd said about her. I looked her in the eye, and bit my tongue to avoid cursing her out or wishing the worst to befall her. Instead, I firmly said: "As far as we on the railroad are concerned, you are Shiva". Dr X had been kicked out of the local Buddhist monastery ( a first, getting the Buddhists to kick anyone out), and she had studied eastern religions and philosophies. Her eyes got big and she turned even redder and her neck swelled. She asked me what I meant. "You are the Goddess of Destruction, intent on ripping out our railroad. You and the county exec are tighter than tight and you spend an inordinate amount of time in his office behind closed doors. Something stinks, and we are going to get to the bottom of it. You and your hanky-panky politics and your trails people are up to no good and as low as they come." My wife and maybe 15 guys off the railroad, along with a crop of local people were all watching this go down. I could see the nods and s--t eating grins.
I had promised my wife before going to the meeting that I would not curse, or offer to take anyone out behind the town hall, and I would not tell Dr. X she was crazy (which seems to set her off like an air raid siren when anyone tells her that). The railroad crowd all was kind of hoping Doctor X would take a poke at me. Her overall demeanor was that of a spooked horse, and I knew I had her on the edge of a full blown meltdown. It was only with great restraint that I did not push her over the edge. It was tempting. I told my wife we were saving that for a meeting at the county seat when the TV stations would cover it. This is who we are dealing with, a brilliant but misdirected person leading a group of ecofacists, counseling the county exec, and political favors and money.
We joke that we haven't done too badly for a group of "slack jawed fedora wearing yokels". The County Exec ran into a Harvard MBA, a few pro bono attorneys, CPA's, a PE, and a bunch of savvy, well spoken, experienced and dedicated people and a heavy duty law firm from the State Capital, instead of what he thought he was going to be dealing with. We joke that it is also a good time to buy stock in Maalox, given what the county exec must be experiencing. He's had to change his position on our railroad, and that must be eating him alive. We refer to him as "Little Adolf", or "der Fuhrer", and those are the polite names we have for him. Come to find plenty more people far beyond our railroad have hung the same monikers on the county exec.
Thanks again to everyone for the words of encouragement and the support.