Fired up the wood stove in the shop and set to work.
Hooking up a DVM to the anode on the SCR shows that it is indeed tracking the feed speed potentiometer, so that's a good sign (varies from 0 to 55VDC, but isn't linear across the entire potentiometer sweep). Troubleshooting info in the manual says I should see 75VDC across terminals 2 and 4. I don't, but looking at it, there's nothing on the board actually connected to terminal 4. There is an off-board wire from the primary header strip in the cabinet connected to terminal 4, but nothing on the board itself. Curious if there is a jumper wire missing.
I'm beginning to suspect that the schematic doesn't actually match this milling machine. There is a terminal 3 that is electrically connected via a large circuit trace to terminal 2, but doesn't show up on the schematic at all.