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Iron Tour 2015 - Lots of pics


Aug 18, 2002
I'm bringing back that thread to life because as many of you probably remember, we were particularly impressed with our visist to Ruemema (Rümema) last year.

At the time, not knowing what we would see, we had to fit that visit in the very tight schedule Peter had prepaired and we were only able to spend a couple of hourse with Rüdiger Kramer.

Big mistake ! Rüdiger has sooo much to tell, so much to explain, so much to show, that we HAD to spend more time with him.

But this time, we decided to bite the bullet and to live the full experience of actually buying a Rümema machine !

We'd like to tell you a little more about that but I wonder which forum would be the best place for doing so.
This year's visit was the natural continuation of our 2015 Iron Tour, but this time it will be more about the testing and buying of a Leinen DLZ140.
In that regard, the european lathes forum could be a good place to start a new thread. On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be as much traffic on that forum as here.

Opinions needed !


Hot Rolled
Feb 2, 2007
Putting your story in the European lathe forum would be OK for me.Maybe make a short tread in the Deckel and scraping forum as a signpost.

a little sidenote:
I read on the website of Ruemema that "someone on the internet tells that the Schaublin 160 is a very loud machine", which he strongly claims as false. That "someone" is to my believe Don. (Milacron) Herr Rudi owns a 160 for it's own use, so when you are there please check that out.


Aug 18, 2002

In fact, we are just back from Oberhausen !.
Too bad, we didn't test run the 160.
I fear we have no choice and will have to go back there once more to give you a full report. ;)

On the other hand, we played with a "brand new" Schaublin 135 a bit and... oh my !
From the first milli-second when the spindle starts, you can see, hear and feel all the work done.


Dec 13, 2002
Benicia California USA
My vote is put it here ....natural follow up to the beginning of your opening posting on your tour....
But whatever you do please tell us here so we can follow...
Cheers Ross
Jan 15, 2005
The Netherlands
I'll count on that. Not a real punishment for you to return I believe....

Yes Not a real punishment But we have to have a volonteer to buy a lathe from Rüdiger once more

He does run a bussiness after all

About where to put it
I understand the reasoning to put it in this forum but
I am in favor for General You cover a much bigger audiance there
At least make a post pointing to this one
Or would it be possible to dubble these posts

Peter from holland
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Hot Rolled
Jun 3, 2006
This thread should be a sticky and I´m sure your continuation will be awesome to follow as well.
I think most people who read in this deckel section looks into the euro lathe section as well? The big difference would be in General but maybe just put a highlighter there.

Now I´m waiting... :-)


Aug 18, 2002
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Super Moderator
Dec 15, 2000
a little sidenote:
I read on the website of Ruemema that "someone on the internet tells that the Schaublin 160 is a very loud machine", which he strongly claims as false. That "someone" is to my believe Don. (Milacron) Herr Rudi owns a 160 for it's own use, so when you are there please check that out.
Somehow I missed this until just now. This is interesting as I assumed that might be one aspect he didn't like about the 160 compared to the 135 and 160 but perhaps not. I would be curious if he thinks the 135 for example is about the same "loudness" as the 160 ?

All I know is, I owned probably the closest to new condition 160 on the planet and not only to me, but the guy I bought it from, it was a "loud" machine in comparison to other variable disk lathes....And of course way louder than his Monarch 10ee right beside it.... but that's not a fair comparison due to drive differences. The noise was not bearings or rattle of any sort but simply the "roar" of air movement. Those large disks, motor fan, etc move a lot of air down there at the higher speeds.

But perhaps the ex owner and I were mistaken somehow.... I haven't heard it run in many years (it is located just 50 miles away, I could drive to hear it ;) ) so I would be curious to know what others think. Maybe his has a different motor on it with no fan or runs at lower RPM ??

Regardless, any you guy that go check it out be sure and run it at the highest RPM !


Having said all that, I have a Schaublin 102N repair question for this guy... does he respond to emails in English ?
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Aug 18, 2002
Rüdiger Kramer responds emails in english.
But he's definitely not into 102's. Even N models.
That may more likely be the problem.


Hot Rolled
Feb 2, 2007
Those large disks, motor fan, etc move a lot of air down there at the higher speeds.

That is what happens. The 135,150 and 160 machine have a 2 speed e-motor that runs 750 and 300 RPM. At first speed it is al quiet but at the highest speed is little tornado is made inside the machine.
@ Tien: you played with a 135 at Ruemema, did you run it at highest speed?


Aug 18, 2002
Yes, and it was a nice experience. ;)

Of course, there's a big difference between hi and lo speed (the gap between 750 and 3000 rpm is pretty unusual on dual speed motors - at least on the various machine tools I've had the opportunity to play with, so the noise difference is a bit surprising at first) but as I recall, the noise was very pleasant even at higher speeds.
On my 150, the backgear is the real noise aggravation factor and I'm not solely talking about the level but also about the "quality" of the noise.
Under certain circumstances, those straight gears can make horrible noises....


Hot Rolled
Feb 2, 2007
Well, after visiting the Netherlands, Germany and Swiss, I thought it would make a nice addition to that little Iron Tour 2015, to see how they do on the other side of the planet...

As I stay home, I use Youtube:

Reminds me a bit how I started many years ago with even older machines...
Must be a promo-video with the floor so clean and no chips flying around. Even in my starting days my drills and tools were cutting better. Still intresting to see.
