I'm convinced the lube system is working correctly - as it is designed.
We assembled the dist. block (manifold). Cleaned, purged, etc. Used Shell Tonna
Checked pump pressure (300#)
This "spits" about 2 drops each time the pump creates pressure, then looses pressure.
I'm looking into best way to increase-
Cleaned and readjusted scale (DMG said do that first)
I've got the machine in running order with all guards removed, everything visable.
Sometimes, when you jog, y axis motor is wandering- you can see it-- maybe as much as 10-20 degress in both/either direction. other times a crisp stop.
DMG still says it's the scale- probably replace reader (glass scale "looks" ok). But, the guy I talked to wanted to talk to another who knows the most about the older machines - didn't call back today.
Ballscrew "looks" ok,
There may be too much backlash in the differential???
Noticed oil on the timing belt for Y
Belt doesn't feel spongy, but if the belt was stretching, wouldn't that do it?
As I said before, none of these alarms (and for that matter, no alarm I've seen so far)
are mentioned in any documentation I have.
The "Gross Position Error Y C " alarm is not the alarm for a malfunctioning scale.
When indicating the scale, if we moved the scale or reader to much, it would estop and that alarm was something like "Y axis measurement failure"
Belt is looking like an oem part