Pressure Vessel Unit
The pressure vessel unit is responsible under Labor Code sections 7620-7771 for the inspection of
boilers (any fired or unfired pressure vessel used to generate steam pressure by the application of heat), and
tanks (any fired or unfired pressure vessel used for the storage of air pressure or liquefied petroleum gases).
Permits are required for air tanks, LPG propane storage tanks over 125 gallons, and high pressure boilers over 15 psig steam. Permit exceptions depend on vessel capacity and operating pressures. Permit inspections may be performed by a Pressure Vessel Unit inspector or an inspector employed by an qualified insurance company. Schedule an inspection with the nearest pressure vessel office or contact your insurer to see if they provide this inspection service. The complete regulations are contained in Title 8 regulations,
sections 450-560 and
sections 750-797.
Address for Pressure Vessel Permit Payments
Please send all payments to:
Department of Industrial Relations
DOSH – Pressure Vessel Permits
P.O. Box 511266
Los Angeles, CA 90051-7821
Contact the Pressure Vessel Invoice Inquiry Team at
[email protected] for any questions.
Pressure Vessel Unit Office Locations
Northern Office *
Oakland Pressure Vessel District Office
1515 Clay Street Suite 1622-A
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 622-3066
FAX: (510) 622-3063
[email protected]
Manager: Leonard Tong, Senior Safety Engineer
* Counties
north of San Luis Obispo, Kern and San Bernardino counties.
Southern Office **
Santa Ana Pressure Vessel District Office
2 MacArthur Place, Suite 700
Santa Ana, CA 92707
Phone: (714) 567-7208
FAX: (714) 567-7297
[email protected]
Manager: Gary Teel, Acting Principal Engineer
** Counties of San Luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernardino and
Pressure Vessel Headquarters Office
Manager: Gary Teel, Acting Principal Engineer
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1622-A
Oakland, CA 94612
here it is, Wonder woman says it was every other year, lots of folks don't know or do it, yet it is a requirement just the same.