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  • hi Flutemaker
    I have been reading your thread about the cmc press.
    I too have one of these, bought second hand here in the UK.Unfortunately it requires a total rewire.
    Is there any chance that you have a manual or wiring diagram for your press?
    If so would you be willing to copy it for me , i would gladly reimburse any costs incurred.
    It would be great to get the thing working,
    Please get in touch
    Hi Ron. I'm one of the owners of Brannen Brothers.
    Where are you, and what kind of services do you offer?

    Yours Truly,
    Payson L. Greene
    Managing Director - Engineering and Facilities
    Brannen Brothers Flutemakers Inc.

    58 Dragon Ct.
    Woburn, MA 01801
    1-781-935-9522 Ph.
    1-781-937-3058 Fx.
    1-800-880-4799 Toll Free
    [email protected]
    Hi, Flute Maker,

    I've been interested in your name for quite a while, now. I have an instrument repair business in upstate NY. Since you list your home as Needham, I can't help wondering if you work for Brannen/Haynes/Powell/ or somebody I don't now as a flute maker.

    Ron Lyke
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