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  1. V

    Mastercam popularity

    These threads always go bad. Every software seems to have it's evangelists. I was just suffering from sticker shock when I happened to see this thread so I chimed in. I did put in a call to Bobcad though to see how much 2 seats of wire would be
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    Mastercam popularity

    I'm sure that's for everything though. I'm talking just 2D Mill and wire. That price includes our multi seat discount too.
  3. V

    Mastercam popularity

    I usually dont jump in these cad cam wars threads, but I just got a quote to add a mastercam seat for a guy here to take some load off me and I have to say, I'm seriously thinking of giving him my Mastercam and I'll just use the Inventor cam we already have... $9k for a seat of 2D + wire Yikes
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    BridgePort Series 1 CNC Mill For Sale

    I'd throw the Tijuana Taxi in, see if that gets you any interest 🤷‍♂️
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    Why do people dislike BobCad

    I think it's pretty decent. They had a reputation though for being absolutely relentless with the sales calls if you downloaded a demo. I got calls and postcards for about 3 years after giving my info to them to try a demo. Someone here joked that will all these bigger companies buying smaller...
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    Looking to upgrade my Autocad, need advice.

    We use Autocad for die design here too. We last year we upgraded my boss from 2008 to 2022, he had no problems. I think a couple menus are in different places but that was about it. No problem opening older files.
  7. V

    Fryer MB10 with Anilam 3000 not homing all the way

    With this Anilam 3000 Touch control the 3 axes each home automatically by hitting the button once. I was wrong about it backing up to the index signal and zeroing out though. It doesn’t do that. It’s supposed to but it doesn’t. It hits the switch and stops there and doesn’t move anymore. You...
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    Fryer MB10 with Anilam 3000 not homing all the way

    I should point out that he can jog X and Y, so there are no issues with them moving.
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    Fryer MB10 with Anilam 3000 not homing all the way

    It doesn't do anything after that. It sits there. X and Y don't home.
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    Fryer MB10 with Anilam 3000 not homing all the way

    My boss just picked this machine up and can't home it. It will go to home in Z, and the display resets Z to 0, then it just sits there. No alarms or anything. Any ideas on this? Thanks!
  11. V

    Cutting tabs from a milled part

    It sure does seem like a waste to put them back in the machine though. Especially since the tab is only .007" thick. I change my vote to a needle file.
  12. V

    Cutting tabs from a milled part

    I just read your other thread. You did say it wasn't worth it to make a whizzo fixture to hold them, but I don't think it would take much to take a piece of aluminum and make a fixture with bosses sticking up that these would mount to / be located by. You already have the geometry in your cad...
  13. V

    Cutting tabs from a milled part

    I use tabs when I have to wire a bunch of small parts and I want to let it run for a long time with no interaction. Fortunately there's nothing cosmetic about them so it's either a file or bench grinder. Nice looking buckle you made there!
  14. V

    RS232 to USB option?? USB/Floppy emulator not an option...

    I'm guessing what you're saying is you were on a floppy demo and it timed out? Anyways, you can run an RS232 line to the machine from a computer, or you can try one of these plugged in to the RS232 port...
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    A cautionary tale of online services

    A few weeks ago my AutoCAD and Inventor both shut down because I guess we had network trouble here, but there was a box that popped up and said it couldn't connect to the licensing server and do I want to save my work before it shut down. That was annoying. This week I got in touch with our...
  16. V

    Need basic 2d cad, cheap

    Freecad used to be a lot like AutoCAD. Not sure if it still is. It's billed as a parametric 3d modeler but you can still do 2d drafting with it. Librecad also looks similar at first glance. Don't know anything about it but it's also free. https://librecad.org/ https://www.freecadweb.org/
  17. V

    Brother TC-31A

    Did you get the file?
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    Brother TC-31A

    Sure give me an email address to send them to.
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    Brother TC-31A

    I have different numbers on ours. I'm guessing it's version or serial numbers of their respective boards? If my backup files will help you I'll gladly send them.
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    Brother TC-31A

    I can't help you even though I have the same machine, but Yamazen has been very helpful whenever we've needed them.