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Fusion 360 - Mazak 640t control


Nov 26, 2021
This may or may not be the right thread to post this in, but has anyone had much success posting code for a Mazak lathe with the "Fusion" 640t control? I know that Fusion 360 has many different posts for the lathes produced by Mazak and all of the posts have the ability to post code to the 640t, but I have read some stories saying that the Fusion post processors do not post the code correctly and results in lots of post and code modification to work correctly. I recently purchased a QTN250MS with the EIA option enabled and was hoping to do the bulk of my programing with Fusion 360 and then leverage Mazatrol to do the machine functions like the a spindle pick-off. If anyone has experience with this topic, I would love to hear from you.


Jul 11, 2012
Fusion posts not posting very good code is not limited to Mazak. I would say it is intentional so the VARs have something to do.
