Is subbing out to a powder coater cost prohibitive?
Yes .. we are very close to the wire on these deer blinds and powder coat is out..Price is about $1800 for the in house pained and about 24oo.. for the camo that is put on with a special coating machine..our painter has come up with a primer and top coat that seems to to hold and pass the fingernail test. We are shooting for $500 profit but so far have not got our time down to make that...We made best of the Indianapolis and the Novi show. One competitor tried to copy us with a China made wall frame and stick-on camo sheet.
.. poor little China girl was having trouble with translating some of the bad words..
When she came to our display the day before she said .. “Mr xxx is very important man, owns big factories in China, can make anything you wish for lower price.”I still have her card. Thought I might Consider her for my new invention when the patent come through even that it could be stolen and then beat my patent....
Oh slayer deer blinds/ Slayer outdoors products.
An Amish fellow brought an aluminum blind , cut , bent and riveted to make a very nice blind..Wow must have had a ton of labor time...and for a good price..
I know not a lathe or grinder in shop but this is about paint..Yes I want a table saw.. could have used one today...Machines = panel saw, chop saw, bench grinder, drill press, air compressor... and a table saw only when I take mine 125 miles from Mt Clemens to Charlott Mi.
Yes we just got back from taking the Boy Scouts troop 648 to Florida for Shark Fishing..