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If you work in metalworking, you know that staying up to date with the evolution of technology while keeping your skills honed to effectively approach new projects coming from demanding customers can be challenging. The information is out there, but how are you going to distinguish it from the number of irrelevant articles, videos and blog posts that populate the web today?
Practical Machinist is the largest and most engaged metalworking community across the web. With more than 156,000 registered members and 200,000+ social media followers, Practical Machinist is the easiest way to learn new techniques, get answers quickly and discuss common challenges with your peers. Our weekly e-newsletter, The Chatter (see what we did there), brings you the most relevant peer-to-peer conversations and tips and tricks to help you get the job done.
Here’s what you’ll get every week:
- The most relevant conversations happening around metalworking
- The latest technology updates from industry-leading companies
- Tips and tricks to help overcome your everyday challenges
- Recommendations on the most popular tools and books used in the industry