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  • Steve,

    My name is Nez Rongero from Austin, I have a Taiwanese made 1236 lathe that I would like to get the bedways, carriage, cross slide, TS, and compound scraped, planed or whatever the terminology to get the moving sliding parts be like or better than new.

    I am not in the business, I just do my own barrels and the barrels for the TX State Junior High Power team who all shoot AR15s. We securesmd sponsorship from Shilen, the JRs get free barrels and free chambering jobs. Supporting 19 shooters I stay busy in the leading up to Camp Perry.

    My question, sir. Would you possibly be interested in doing the work on my lathe? What would be the quote? I read the classes held by Richard King in shop, though I would like to learn how to, buy my physical condition may preclude me from learning. My 2 bad shoulders could not even reach the draw bar on my BP without much groaning.

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.
    [email protected]
    512 300 7021
    Thanks for replying to my post. If you can send me a link to a decent enclosure for the boss table I'd appreciate it. I've seen a few but nothing slick looking
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