Never knew of anyone who hated trees so much!
You hafta understand that the farm is dated to 1880 (?) and when I moved here in '87 (Tha'd be 1987) there were a lot more ... well there was a lot more everything here. We cleaned up a lot of the annoyance stuff. You know - like the old chicken coup that only housed chucks instead of chicks, flowers and [sparrow] bushes planted every which'a way by a senile old lady that would git a burr occassionaly.
Then some big storms in the mid/late 90's took out a cherry tree, an apple tree, and another big willow like you see there. Those two have (had) to be 100 yrs old if they are a day. There usta be a summer kitchen beside the house that I used as a woodshed for many yrs, but when that willow came down - the wood shed came too. Very light damage to the house tho.
I was done cuttin' wood by then enyway. Too much time away from the shop... Gas was cheaper at that point. ($.90/Gal. Remember that?)
A tree cutter came out and trimmed the other willow back. He was originally s'posed to cut it down. (W/O taking out the house eh?) He cut it back to the end of the pithy stuff and the smallest stuff on it at that point was prolly 10"D. We decided to leave it be. It looked stupid for a yr or two, but soon looked fine. (As seen in the pic)
We have some maples that are dooing just fine these days that likely weren't even planted at that time. The tree in the middle next to the drive is gone to make more room for trucks to git around.
So historically we have had and doo aggin have more trees. Haven't had eny of the real big straight line wind / tornado type storms roll through here in the last handfull of yrs like we did all through the 90's. Must be that dagumm Global Warming causing the current mildness!
Think Snow Eh!