those linked articles are, to be excessively polite, utter nonsense. the UN article actually shows a picture of a gas engine 30 gal. compressor and calls it "small scale" CAES!
to be clear, climate change is a real problem, and we absolutely HAVE to stop burning coal.
CAES is not any kind of a large scale solution though.
Ok, lets get into the articles; the first one is basically a press release by a company that runs "peaking" gas turbines, and I'd call it greenwashing.
if you read between the lines, CAES is basically a way of utilizing the turbine facility off peak by storing compressed air, to recover a small percentage of
the unused capacity to increase the peak output. basically a "supercharger" for the turbines burning gas, if I get that right. it requires a large turbine generating facility, and a favorable geology, preferably salt domes. the recovered energy is a tiny fraction of the overall output. the higher efficiency
of "55%" relies on fantasy technology to store the latent heat of compressing the air, AND transfer it to the air being withdrawn.
the UN article is some BS written by an intern who read the press releases and googled "compressed air". anyone who has actually run a compressed air system understands the inefficiency of the process, with all the heating, frictional losses, moisture issues, etc, etc.
these numbers sound like they are just made up. maybe under ideal laboratory conditions, but not real world.
I'm an environmentalist. that's why I think its tragic we are so irrationally paranoid of nuclear power. more people die EVERY YEAR mining coal than have died from ALL the nuclear power accidents, ever. humans are stupid.