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  • Hi Len,
    Thanks for the kind words about Hurco. I'm Maggie and I work at Hurco corporate offices in Indianapolis. I hope I'm not bothering you. I was wondering if you would want info on our showroom models we have (a.k.a. scratch and dent but they don't look very scratched or dented to me)? I know some other schools have bought new Hurcos, but we have a distribution network for new machines so I'm not sure if distributors give breaks for educational institutions or not. I work in marketing/communications so I monitor forums and social media...that's how I came across your post. [email protected] if you want me to send you info. Take care!
    Hi len,
    having seen the great engravings on the custum - bike - wow! superb work!!
    can you give me a hint where to buy the engraving tools:
    "3 flute ball cutters they have a sharp tooth that cuts at the bottom"
    looking for good cutters to engrave fonts into stainless and aluminium

    thank you very much
    best regards
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