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How to make Hot blue look more like rust blue?


Oct 23, 2021
Hi, I have an old 97 Winchester that I want to install one of the repro trench guards on. The guard is in the white & the gun is pretty much also. A decessed friend of mine reblued a 98K in military trim & used a wire wheel after he was done polishing to give it a "softer look" & it did look good. What size or type of brush would do that? Thanks!


Oct 23, 2010
Maryland- USA
I would say rust blue it.
I just got done with a Browning handgun.
Result was excellent- deep blue/black and very consistent tone.

I accelerated the process with a steam tent for parts- like an hour a cycle- done in one evening with last coat left overnight.

I prepped with 320 bead blast for a solid satin finish.
I used the LMF product.
I carded with a bit of Terry towel.
Mind to scald in DISTILLED water for blue/black finish.
I tempered the finish with motor oil on hot parts.
I sealed with hard paste wax afterwards.
Skip the wax if you want to leave a more pronounced satin finish.


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Cast Iron
Nov 24, 2011
Hi, I have an old 97 Winchester that I want to install one of the repro trench guards on. The guard is in the white & the gun is pretty much also. A decessed friend of mine reblued a 98K in military trim & used a wire wheel after he was done polishing to give it a "softer look" & it did look good. What size or type of brush would do that? Thanks!

Go to Brownell's and search for "carding wheel" and you get what you want.

When you're rust or express blueing, you card with de-oiled 0000 steel wool or a carding wheel between coats.


Feb 23, 2019
Carding with a White 3M pad works pretty well if you dont want to shell out money on a carding wheel , time saved with carding wheel is worth the expense if your doing complete guns.
Im a small part DIY rust blue’r …. Working on a Chicago bolt for the QCTP now


Oct 23, 2010
Maryland- USA
I card with a bit of Terry towel.

I just rust blued one of the little FN 1906’s and went with polished and ran more cycles to go for the deepest color:

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Feb 23, 2019
Hi, I have an old 97 Winchester that I want to install one of the repro trench guards on. The guard is in the white & the gun is pretty much also. A decessed friend of mine reblued a 98K in military trim & used a wire wheel after he was done polishing to give it a "softer look" & it did look good. What size or type of brush would do that? Thanks!
Rust blueing is done with all sorts of different chemicals along with the different alloys you use them on.
