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  • Hello Billmac,

    I have been reading posts on the site about Smart and Brown 1024 lathes,

    I hope you don't mind me messaging you but I have just bought a S&B 1024 VSL and I read on one of the pages you say....

    "My 1024 has a VFD and I can select either the same speed change method as the original (i.e. three fixed motor speeds) or continuously variable. This works better than I had anticipated - you can tweak the speed to improve the finish and even wind it up a bit as you face."

    I was Just wondering were you running this of domestic electricity ( I'm located in Ireland so 230v domestic) and if so what type of VFD were you using as Id little a simple method of powering mine up,

    Thanks for any help
    Hi Terry-

    Sorry to disappoint you but I don't have any direct experience of your Maho MH800. However there are people in the Deckel, Maho, Aciera, Abene Mills forum who will know more about this model than I do. I suggest you ask you question there.
    HI Billmac

    This is Terry from Malta Europe. I was reading your post at deckel/maho machine. and i found it a lot interesting, (seems your an expert on such machines). I own Maho Mh 800(manual) milling machine. I baught it about two months ago and i worked only few hours with it. I have problems with power feed clutches some times they work good and some times they get stuck and i cannot engage the power feed at all. could you please give me some hints or some kind of help. I will apriciate a lot if i hear some news.

    Regards Terry.
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