With 150 psi any automotive metal canister filter will be blown off the base quickly!
-Where are you getting 150 PSI? The mmanual for my #2 says the operating pressure needs to be between 25 and 35 psi, and according to the actual gauge, it's typically about 22 psi.
Doc, because the original cuno strainer is something like 60 years old, I'm not sure it is up to snuff.
-Mine's eighty three and doing fine.
When I cleaned it out, and I'd bet a paycheck it hadn't been cleaned in 30 to 40 years, all I found was little more than a small wad of lint, which I took to be fiber from the one organic-lined clutch.
Any idea what micron size would be optimum for a W/S #3?
-Keep in mind a lathe headstock doesn't produce combustion contaminants like a car engine does. The only time you're going to get any debris in the system is if one of the bearings or gears starts to fail- and if that's the case, it's already too late.
The strainer on mine, if I can read the faded tag properly, indicates there's a .0035" gap between the plates. I'd say pretty much
any proper paper filter is going to be finer than that. But personally, I wouldn't go too overboard in trying to find a super-fine filter, as too much restriction could starve the system, and possibly
cause the damage you're trying to prevent.
One of these, in 20 micron, would likely be more than enough.