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  • Mike,
    While doing some Van Norman research, I saw you picked up a Van Norman 22L, and two arbor supports came with it. Any chance you would sell one of the arbor supports? I posted an ad looking for one for a Van Norman 16S. I think the 22L and 16S had the same arbor support. Let me know.

    I looked at the post last night. It seems that you "DO" have the tool room model. My CW has the reverse on the headstock and no mention of Tool Room lathe in the manual that I bought from Monarch. Your info is more detailed (can you believe it?)

    I now think I may have a frankenlathe, the tail stock doenst look correct
    Mike, I posted the CY manual on my profile, feel free to snatch it! The pics turned out kinda sucky due to the size limits on here. I will try to set up a Photo bucket account and see how that works Marsh
    Just wanted to let you know that you are not the new guy on here anymore! lol I too have A Monarch. a 16x78 1942. Have not laid a wrench on it yet. What would you think if we asked John Oder to set up an experience inventory where members could sign up at will By equipment type and work experience, maybe give us a place to go for info without a lot of fishing? Just an idea. I have been following your posts with interest and wish you good luck with your project. Marsh
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