Probably can do without removing motor, but it might be a tight fit to get eyes and hands to figure it out.
If an original motor, the data tag for motor may be in the door frame, where the pulley end is. Otherwise, those tags are directly on motor. On the tag it should tell connections for high voltage(480v), or low voltage 208-240v. The connections are maybe 9 wires, and each wire is labeled 1-9.
Those numbered and labeled wires are in the connections box directly attached to the side of motor, and the 3 main leads from main contactor also go into that box. And the 9 labeled wires connect directly to main 3 leads.
By removing side cover off that box, remove electric tape from the 3 leads. . . You can see how and which labeled wires are connected to the 3 main leads. Or a 4th group may be wired together, and removing tape can tell you by process of elimination.
I'm not aware of printed instructions for removing the motor. But if it did have to happen, you'd have to remove the 3 main leads from contactor inside of door front side, plus unbolt the 4 motor feet from adjustment stand, reaching some from pulley side door and rear door. And the motor will be pretty heavy.
If you can, post a pic of motor data tag.