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Major Rebuilds, Repairs, & Info Per Manufacture


Feb 23, 2016
Houston, TX
This will be a "sticky" and alphabetized per manufacture.

I will edit as we go. You post a link to a good rebuild or repair thread, or a thread with solid useful info, like serial data bases, operations and such. When I get to it, I'll add it the list. Then I may delete your post to try and keep the sticky as clean as possible, but we'll see how it goes.

I'll add in the manufactures as we go also if you don't see the particular one up here.

We are looking for American, Industrial, and not specifically covered in another section.

I do have a life, so be patient with me.:D

Old Electric Motors
Old Electric Motors

Other Noteworthy Threads
Lineshaft Machine Shop

American Tool Works:
Our new American pacemaker lathe - Ongoing cleanup.
Which metric threads will an American Pacemaker cut ?
Redesign and Improvement of the L nose Spanner Wrench


Brown & Sharpe:

1945-46 Brown & Sharpe No.1 Universal grinder #5426

Cincinnati #3 mill restoring
Toolmaster 1D Variable Drive and Quill Feed Questions

Gorton archives: http://www.gorton-machine.org/
All Gorton's manuals and brochures: http://www.gorton-machine.org/forms/index.html
Gorton 375-2 Tool Cutter Grinder

Greaves Klusman
20" Heavy Greaves Klusman

Hammond Machinery Builders
Hammond Machinery Builders, Tool Grinder Model CB-77

Hendey 14 by 6 Tie-Bar Rehab
Saved a Hendey from the Scrappers Yesterday

Kearney & Trecker:
Kearney Trecker serial number registry

K&T 2HL Universal

Lodge And Shipley

ot----secrets of Moore jig borer B-18

Pratt & Whitney
Pratt & Whitney 12C Restoration Pictures

1943 Rockford Planer The Beast

1943 Sidney 16x54 Refurb

Saving a Springfield

Van Norman:
grease and oil in the VN12? (No. 6, 12 & 16 Cutter-Head and Gearbox Lube)
VN16 Rebuild
Anyone have a drawing of the key for VN 5 collets?
Van norman quil.Milling machine
fixing Van Norman 22L elevating screw oil leak

Warner & Swasey:
Warner & Swasey No.2
Last edited:


This will be a "sticky" and alphabetized per manufacture.

I will edit as we go. You post a link to a good rebuild or repair thread. When I get to it, I'll add it the list, then delete your post to try and keep the sticky as clean as possible.

I'll add in the manufactures as we go also, if you don't see the particular one up here. American, Industrial, and not specifically covered in another section.

I do have a life, so be patient with me.:D

You can get help. Lots of it.

- Only a privileged user can roll changes into place.


- Individuals who care - an ad hoc flexible grouping of volunteers - who cannot effect a change can nonetheless IDENTIFY candidates for your review and action. Simplest is a note with links. No need to duplicate what is already in the PM DB.

Next-up might be existing text with suggested alternative text alongside.

- A NEW thread done with cut and paste might make a better sticky, the sources PLURAL left as they were, where they were. Many a 'how to" needs snippets from more than one source, often spread out over time.

- stickeys can, and should, be heirarchical "tree' branches. Note, for example Monarch forum has so many, all at "top" level, that more than a full screen/page must be scrolled to get past them, and into the active discussion zone.

Conscript a bit of team support effort, your actioning the suggestions vetted won't absorb as many hours of a given day. Task gets done sooner. Might even get done better?

Lots of folks don't wish to "Moderate".. or should not, but can still help lighten a Moderator's load.

Many eyes. Many hands. FEWER "decision makers". Greater the sense of involvement and "ownership" of the benefit derived.


Feb 23, 2016
Houston, TX
First honor will go to John Oder, and rightfully so. 20" Greaves Klusman:

20" Heavy Greaves Klusman

I'm not sure if I should list manufacture as Greaves Klusman, or Greaves Machine Tool Company.

Maybe The Greaves-Klusman Tool Co/Greaves Machine Tool Company

John could answer that if he has a preference.


Feb 23, 2016
Houston, TX
I think that is a great choice those machines are interesting, everyone should see that several times. I think its too bad " The Edgar" was not made here.

I got a long way to go searching through the threads yet. It'll take me some time.

But I found a thread of yours is a real good example. The vertical head thread, I'd like to add it to the B & S if we can get squared away on whatever the issue is with imgur and the pics.


May 17, 2003
Walla Walla Wine and Wild Turkey
I will get right on that with photos, I also had to set the head up in a Cincinnati cutter grinder to grind the 40taper, it was not done during war production, I will have that by 2035.

Its the weight of that cloud again, it now says I have bad breath!


Jul 16, 2004
Houston, TX USA
John could answer that if he has a preference
My preference is what is cast into the head stock.:D

Greaves Klusman, or short for Greaves Klusman Tool Company

And thank you for your consideration

On Edit:

Error corrected - thanks Bill
