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  1. M

    DMG MORI ecoTurn 450. Changing parameters.

    I believe it’s MAPPS IV and Mitsubishi
  2. M

    DMG MORI ecoTurn 450. Changing parameters.

    I’m Working on a DMG MORI, MAPPS, and every time we start up the machine, it defaults to Metric. Is there any way to change parameters to default to inch?
  3. M

    Hardinge Talent 51. All G and M codes help!

    Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for!
  4. M

    Hardinge Talent 51. All G and M codes help!

    The company I work for owns a Talent 51 dual spindle single turret. When working on the Sub spindle (G55), we have to manually transfer parts, as well as turn on the 2nd coolant. Does anyone know, all the G and M codes for the Hardinge Talent 51, Fanuc control series 0i-TF.