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Mori Seiki Accumill 4000 won't boot


Mar 31, 2019
Hi guys, I'm having trouble with a 2004 Mori Seiki Accumill 4000 with the MSG-805 control. The company we purchased it from told us that it has a boot problem and that they just leave the machine on all the time to avoid that problem. Once we got it moved into our shop we got it booted up after serval power cycles and have been running it for a few months now. Recently however, we've had a series of power outages that has caused the mill to shut down. Normally we can get it to boot within at least an hour or so but now the machine has been down for over a week. We don't really have dedicated jobs for the mill so it's not that big of a deal for it to be down but we do have some jobs that could be running on the mill.

I've searched several forums pretty thoroughly to try to find a similar problem or a solution but it seems this machine is not very popular and it's hard to find information on it. The operating system is Tiny OS, not sure what version though. After it fails the boot sequence it displays "SYS1808:
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic code (exception code) is 0005."

Any ideas are welcomed but if all else fails we'll just call a service tech and see what he can do.

Thanks in advance!
