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Okuma LR15 lathe spindle speed


Hot Rolled
Nov 14, 2012
Maine, USA
Hi guys,
For some reason I'm struggling to figure out why I can't get the spindle speed up above 1000rpm while the lower turret is called up. In my program for upper turret operations, I use G13, G110, G96 or G97 depending on operation, G50 S2000, and everything runs fine above 1000rpm. All while in M42 high gear.

When I switch over to lower turret, I call up G14, G111, and all the same stuff like G50 S2000, G97 or G96 depending on operation, but it will not run above 1000rpm.

At the end of the program it switches back to the upper turret for 1 last operation, and that one as well does not go over 1000rpm...

As a side note, a previous job I ran in this had G50 S1000 set (M41 spindle gear too), but I've called up G50 S2000 for both turrets and it doesn't seem to recognize that.

Well that was dumb... I had a G50 S1000 several lines down I totally overlooked.
