Out of the blue, this fiber optic drip sensor just up and quit sending a signal when a drip occurs. So, within under a minute of locking the C-axis the machine alarms out.
The calibration routine attached doesn't seem to be helping, as step 5) never shows the "8" or "9". And it could be something i'm missing on the procedure, but a service tech also had the same issue. Not sure what the wire voltages should be or how to analyze a wiring diagram.
I've replaced the HPX-T light generator and got new fiber optic sensors through newegg. No change in behavior. Placing a piece of paper in the beam, produces a signal in the control and prevents the alram, which leads me to believe tweaking on the calibration procedure or something on this HPX-T might help.
I'm not a service tech, so any outside the box diagnostic tips would be greatly appreciated.
The calibration routine attached doesn't seem to be helping, as step 5) never shows the "8" or "9". And it could be something i'm missing on the procedure, but a service tech also had the same issue. Not sure what the wire voltages should be or how to analyze a wiring diagram.
I've replaced the HPX-T light generator and got new fiber optic sensors through newegg. No change in behavior. Placing a piece of paper in the beam, produces a signal in the control and prevents the alram, which leads me to believe tweaking on the calibration procedure or something on this HPX-T might help.
I'm not a service tech, so any outside the box diagnostic tips would be greatly appreciated.