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Bobcad 4th axis post for fadal


Cast Iron
Nov 9, 2018
Good day every one, if your going give the answer of Bobcad sucks get fusion keep it in your keyboard. I’ve been using bobcad for years through different versions and it has served me well. But added a vh 65 4th axis rotary and have used it for positioning with good success. Having said that the post dept has been struggling to get me a working post. Versions 33,34.
Does anybody have a working post for the fadal with their own vh65 rotary? The machine is a ac 4020. As many fadals that have been built and ran i can’t believe they don’t have a post for it.
Trying to get a wrapped cam machined. Thank you in advance.

When I find it I don’t need it
When I need it I can’t find it!


Jun 30, 2015
Saint Paul
Hail BobCAD... I've been making a living off of V20 since it came out. Can't stand the new version(s).

If you've still got and old V20 or V21 loaded, go to the CAM side and go to SETUP/DRIVER and there is a 4th axis tab. A few settings in there. Never messed with it myself. Also in SETUP/CONVERSION there is a whole bunch of stuff after clicking the ROTARY CONVERSION SETUP button. On that page there are axis to pick, meaning depending on how you draw your part feature, you can convert one or more axis to degrees. There's even the formula at the bottom:

Results Axis = (Conversion Axis)*(360/(2*pi)/Radius

Never messed with it, but sure looks promising for a little do-it-yourself detective work.

Maybe there is some of this functionality in your newer version.

At least on simpler stuff, I've always thought that you draw it out in 2d and convert one axis to degrees. If you're doing some serious 3d full 4th stuff, might need a little more then that. The BobCAD V20 tabs did look promising.

Edit In:
Just looked at my V23 which is the new style. Couldn't find anything there. Maybe on the Predator Editor side??


Cast Iron
Nov 9, 2018
13 , when i initially started with the new ‘format’ I didn’t like it either but through the years the cad side has some really good improvements once you wrap your head around it. I always thought the cam did a good job for its price point i have no problem posting 3 d average stuff wondering if its going to work but thats many years with the same machine and knowing its quirks. Just find it puzzling their post dept don’t have a post for a 4 axis Fadal. Nothing new there

When I find it I don’t need it
When I need it I can’t find it!


Mar 8, 2011
Clearwater FLA
Hello Turbowerks,

Yes you can download a fadal postprocessor from BobCAD's support site I am seeing both format 1 and format 2, but these post are likely 3 axis posts.

BobCAD does provide all the documentation needed to customize the post yourself with it's online post-processor help system

They even offer lost-cost microlearning classes to teach things like machine definitions for 4 axis.

There are some additional codes you'll want to add to headers / footer / tool change blocks which are easy enough to do.

The other 2 important areas ( other than toolpath settings ) are the feed move and rotary output.

441. Multiaxis feed type (0=UPM, 1=INV on all, 2=INV on Rotary, 3=INV on 4/5 Axis 4=DPM on rotary only 5=DPM on rotary/linear)? 5

440. What is the rotary output type (0=Abs Pos 1=Signed ABS 2=Signed Continuous) ? 2

Seeing this is a new 4th axis to you, and I assume you don't have a working sample to copy the format.

With either trial and error on your own part, or working with the posting team I am sure you'll get things worked out.

If there is anything I personally can help with, you can find me over here

You can also consider posting this question on BobCAD's User Forum


Cast Iron
Nov 9, 2018
Progress report, after many back and forth emails and sample programs, the post is working.
Outside of taking longer than I would have like it, it is doing continuous 4th axis machining and the posting dept at Bobcad came through. Thanks

When I find it I don’t need it
When I need it I can’t find it!


Hot Rolled
Sep 15, 2010
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Hello Turbowerks,

Yes you can download a fadal postprocessor from BobCAD's support site I am seeing both format 1 and format 2, but these post are likely 3 axis posts.

BobCAD does provide all the documentation needed to customize the post yourself with it's online post-processor help system

They even offer lost-cost microlearning classes to teach things like machine definitions for 4 axis.

There are some additional codes you'll want to add to headers / footer / tool change blocks which are easy enough to do.

The other 2 important areas ( other than toolpath settings ) are the feed move and rotary output.

441. Multiaxis feed type (0=UPM, 1=INV on all, 2=INV on Rotary, 3=INV on 4/5 Axis 4=DPM on rotary only 5=DPM on rotary/linear)? 5

440. What is the rotary output type (0=Abs Pos 1=Signed ABS 2=Signed Continuous) ? 2

Seeing this is a new 4th axis to you, and I assume you don't have a working sample to copy the format.

With either trial and error on your own part, or working with the posting team I am sure you'll get things worked out.

If there is anything I personally can help with, you can find me over here

You can also consider posting this question on BobCAD's User Forum
Al, I have V32 with 4th axis.
It seems it is only rotary, not a true 4th.
As in, I can only run 3 at a time.
Is that right?
Mark in Anchorage.
