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Sigma 5 Rotary (Sept 2021 and older) on an early 2021 Machine - 3 conflicting articles from Haas


Feb 2, 2019
I'm getting conflicting information on compatibility between my 2021 VF2 and older rotaries. (date of manufacture as 03/21 and software 100.200.0000 (never software updated since I got it)

I'm specifically looking at buying a used HRT160SP.

1. This article has it as all Sigma 5 4th axis are compatible with every NGC.

2. https://www.haascnc.com/productivity/control/sigma5.html
This article has it as Sigma 5's were on all rotaries between May 2008 to October 2021 (meaning if I bought a rotary with my machine built in March it would have been a Sigma 5 and apparently not even compatible)
  • NGC machines with software version or later require rotaries with Sigma 7 servomotors
and then in this article https://www.haascnc.com/productivity/control/sigma7.html
  • NGC machines with software version or later require rotaries with Sigma 7 servomotors
3 different articles, 3 different answers. HFO not interested in solving this for me... Any Haas factory engineers troll here???

Also, I don't yet have a 4th axis card so that would be purchased new (if that is the source of the compatibility)


Sep 16, 2015
I would guess your machine has the Sigma 7 motors, but maybe you could find the data plate on the Z axis servo motor to get the model number. That should let you know.
