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  • Phil, were you able to retrofit a T2/T3 with an EIA card ? I am hoping to add g code to my T3 out here in Apache Junction....
    Using CAD CAM ? Try COMPUTER AIDED SETUP Software + DTI Probe Method.To know more visit, Computer Aided Setup
    Thank you Phil. If you have interest, on the first thread on this topic, I put a video pretty deep in the thread. If you find it, you can see the tap rapid close to the hole, then thread in. It then pops up higher after it returns. The thread was a #4-40 and was tapping at about 2000 rpm.


    Phil, were you located in tempe? where you work at? I run the student engineering shop at ASU tempe campus and used to run a prototype model shop off of 3rd street and perry over by tempe market place.
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