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Sodick ALC600G - selfmade measuring cycle


May 8, 2019

I have a series of 60+ parts that I need to do 2 OPS on (first cut, then rotate 90deg and cut again)
The piece is clamped on a hard turned surface, I have a gap (4mm) between my clamping plate and the next surface of the piece where I touch of in X.
Center is taken manually, by touching both sides and having the machine move to the middle of both measurements.
After doing a couple of pieces I'm getting faster and faster however a mistake is easily made.

I know there is a cycle in the machine that takes the center of a workpiece however the wire needs to travel around a bigger diameter to finally touch the turned surface. Moving from the furthest point towards the turned face is done in it's G80 speed which is quite slow.

I would like to adjust this cylce/copy it and have the machine move faster in this section.
Is there somewhere that I can find this cylce and edit it to my liking?

Has anyone made/editted a measuring cylce on a Sodick before?

Thank you!
