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  • Yeah- I think the people who vote for Romney~ half of them just hate the black guy and the other half don't know what they're doing.

    Like it's been pointed out before.... Being a working class guy and voting republican is like the chicken being friends with Colonel Sanders.

    I try to give likes to like minded, or what I view as like minded, individuals who have clever or thoughtful posts.....
    You seem to like much of what I post and this is just to let you know it is appreciated. It never ceases to amaze me how many tend to misunderstand what I write. I've no objection to anyone disagreeing with me and it'd be a boring world if we all agreed. I'm very much pro American (and my wife and I will be touring Texas next Spring) but that doesn't mean I have to shut up and not have an opinion on what is happening "over there" :)

    At least I know enough not to go around saying I prefer Obama to Romney in Texas LOL In fact it'll probably be wise of me to avoid politics LOL

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