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  • Wow! What an offer! Thanks much. Would it be better if I just turned down the hub of the crank and sent it to you instead of using a sleeve? Please let me know whatever is easiest for you and thanks again.
    If you can turn your dial down and press on a sleeve, I will engrave the proper lines and numbers for you for free, you pay the shipping to and from zip code 43613.

    I think mine ended up being a B300. I have not looked at it in a while and I never did get any information or documentation. Sorry. I have some pics at my photobucket page. [email protected]
    I am looking for some left hand 5/8" acme screws and nuts-16" or so on the screws, if you happen to find anything. I could also use a small & cheap USA cross sllide from an old lathe?
    Hi Howard,

    I recently acquired a B600 myself and find it without documentation of any type. I saw your unanswered request on the PM board and wondered how you made out with your cleanup. I would also appreciate any of your thoughts/advice on the machine and its operating idiosyncrasies if any.

    I am lucky to live in Connecticut (Old Iron wise) and there are lots of Industrial surplus warehouses slam full of accessories for these old machines. Let me know if I can BOLO for anything for you. Please drop me a note. Best regards.

    Two of the major surplus industrial places around here are;

    Industrial Surplus in Berlin Connecticut
    LA Tool in Plainfield CT

    Jerry Honeycutt
    Winchester, Connecticut

    [email protected]
    Hi Howard,

    Looks like Josh couldn't make it work on his mill, so it's yours if you want it. I figured out that it will fit in a flat rate box, so let's say $15 for shipping and I'll pay for insurance.

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