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  • I saw a post you mentioned a pneumatic driver tool and I'm curious if that was an eBay find or if you have a brand recommendation for buying new? I'd need several of them for an assembly cell so scavenging for some mix-n-match used units might be more trouble than its worth...
    Do they have adjustable torque?
    Any guess on how accurate/repeatable they are?
    I like Uryu the best of the few I have used. They are made in Japan and have a real nice "feel" to them. They are sold by Aimco here in the U.S. who have a great website with lots of information, parts, and documentation on how to service them. I have only purchased mine on Ebay for up to $50 each, down to $20, but you can buy them new for around $700-$900.
    They really have to be abused to have any reliability issues so used is fairly safe. I find them to be very repeatable. I usually use them to drive the screws on uniforce type clamps and even clamping soft plastic I have never had an issue with repeatability. I honestly can't say enough good about them for what they do, you really have to try them out.
    Search Uryu LT on Ebay to see what they have. I like the ones with just the thumb piston to reverse vs the handle you have to depress to drive. I like 800-1100 rpm to drive screws better than the faster ones.
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